About Writing Club

‘Sadeedebiyat’ (the LiteratureOnly) writing workshops are for those who want to increase the capacity to write, reflect feelings to a poem. Here, raw thoughts coming to the table are being worked meticulously.

Participants from about 15 countries are taking place in the workshop. The shop works are once a week and held in Zoom. It is once a week and workouts accessible by being a member of a telegram group and enables one to communicate with the other participants along the week.

The workshops are being kept up with the rich content consisted of curriculum prepared for those interested in many aspects of writing. Anyone wishing to participate in the workshop can contact via kirjoituskerhofi@gmail.com.

The workpieces composed by the participants are being published by the address www.writing.finpolar.fi, as well as they, meet with the other readers in the e-magazines published at the other part of the world.

The book consisted of child stories named “Giraffe’s Story Box” prepared by our participants has been published. You can reach our book from the links below.


Again, our second book meticulously prepared by our participants named “Boyası Kurumuş Sözler” ( Words the Paints Dry) which is the product of our workshops, met with the readers. To reach this valuable workpiece which you can buy as an e-book, please follow us from the addresses;

@sadeedebiyat1 Instagram
@ sadEdebiyat Twitter

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